Contact us Emergency service

There is no need for your company to go back to OEM and pay 100% of the purchase price when we can rebuild and recondition this equipment. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Have an emergency Pump break? Is time a major factor ? Get fast results . . .

Pumping Equipment Rebuild 

Solution Gear Company has a state-of-the-art and unique style of rebuilding and repairing all types of Pumps, Pump housing, Impellers, Wear plates, Blower Freezer Barrels, Homogenizing, Pistons, Plungers, Dasher Shafts, Boiler Pumps, Fruit Feeding Pumps, Unit Fillers and all types of stainless steel equipment for the dairy industry and food processing plants. We also perform pump repairs for oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants for mining and Carbon Black.

Our pump repairs can save the equipment even if it is broken, chipped, worn out or cracked. We can rebuild them back to their original size.

We also have expertise in O. D. – I. D. Grinding, Machining and CNC Machining. Worn and broken equipment benefits the most from our procedure of performing pump repairs.

All of our work carries a warranty against chipping, flaking, peeling, or wearing. No equipment is beyond repair. We can save your company up to 50% savings can also rebuild and repair all types of gears and rotating equipment and re-manufacture new gears with spline cutting and key-way cutting gearboxes and all types of gear reduction units. We can rebuild the gears back to the original OEM sizes.

Contact us now: Emergency service
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Emergency industrial Gearbox repair & replacement service.

9211 Alberene Houston, Tx 77074